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Welcome to Hey Joe

The Support Community

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Your partner for self-help and supporting each other

In a world that is often loud and hectic, there are moments when we have to face our own challenges. Whether it is the struggle against insecurities, going through losses, or the feeling of simply having no strength – we all know these inner battles. That is why "Hey Joe" was born – not only as a response to the silence but as a friend in need, always ready to listen.

You are not alone.

Online Coaching
mit unseren Chatbots

Unterhalte dich mit unseren KI-Chatbots Joe, Julia
oder der neutralen Version. 

Jederzeit verfügbar, rund um die Uhr.

Anonym und vertraulich.

Selbsthilfe Community, Online Coaching

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Für nur € 19,-- monatlich.

Jederzeit kündbar.

Hier geht's zum Anmeldung.

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